Hiring Employees

Growing a Business

Being a Good Manager Isn't Enough — Here Are 5 Leadership Skills That Will Keep Your Employees Around

The article outlines five key leadership skills — engagement culture, effective staffing strategies, AI utilization, shared team reality, and work-life balance — that can improve team performance and reduce turnover, fostering sustainable growth and innovation.


Your Definition of Leadership Is Outdated — Here's How to Be a Better Leader in the Modern Workplace

In my nearly thirty years as a leader, I've focused on setting a clear vision and empowering my team to achieve our goals. We prioritize establishing shared objectives while allowing for flexibility when needed.

Growing a Business

Six Leaders on Staff Positions They Didn't Think They Needed: 'This Hire Made Me Happier'

Sometimes, the most important hires are ones you underestimate.

Business News

Why Greece's Six-Day Workweek Might Backfire on Productivity

In the wake of Greece's decision to introduce 6-day working weeks, questions are floating around regarding its true impact on worker productivity and output.

Business Culture

Don't Be Coy With Your Employees — Here's What Healthy Transparency Looks Like

Organizations need to stop being coy about building relationships with future talent and retaining the talent they already have.

Business Process

If You Want to Be a Good Leader, Understand Your People — Here's Why the Best Entrepreneurs Make Time to Understand Their Employees

Entrepreneurs who quickly identify people's working styles have the best chance of getting the right people in the right seats to scale.


Layoffs Have Dominated Headlines For the Last Few Years — and Great People Are Being Let Go. Here's How to Snatch Them Up Before Someone Else Does.

As leaders of growing companies, success depends on our ability to acquire and keep the very best talent. With the right strategy, you might hire a game-changer.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Cracking the Gen Z Code is Easier Than You Think — Here's How To Navigate The Generation Gap At Work

Gen Z are digital natives with minimal experience in formal group settings. Here are 5 tips for enhancing communication with your new hires.


I've Grown a High-Performing Team in Just 2 Years — Here are 5 Growth Strategies I Learned

A team's strength lies in its people's individual skills and how they synergistically come together.


Companies Everywhere Use Personality Tests to Understand Their Employees. But Is That Enough?

Employers are finding that personality tests — how their team thinks and feels — are becoming more useful than ever. But are they ethical?


The Top Skill Job Applicants Need to Stand Out in 2024 Has Nothing to Do With AI, Says Workforce Expert

Although having the right technical skills might be a prerequisite for certain roles, there's another factor that will help candidates rise to the top.


The No. 1 Skill Employers Want Job Applicants to Have Might Be the Hardest to Find, New Research Reveals

Communication and problem-solving are important — but something else could be more critical than both.


Should I Tell My Boss About This? This is How to Balance What Your Direct Reports Do (& Don't) Need to Know

Understanding what your direct reports do and don't need to know ensures smoother communication and leads to better outcomes.


Entry-Level Job Candidates Should Be Ready to Answer This Make-or-Break Question While Interviewing at Top Companies Like JPMorgan Chase, Talent Expert Says

A college degree might not be the strict requirement it once was — but successful applicants must be prepared to showcase another aspect of their resume.


Be a Coach, Not a Referee — How to be a Good Mentor and Manager from a Coaching Perspective

Good mentors are invested in improving the people who rely on them for guidance.