Media Coverage: Page 8


Rudy Giuliani's Master Course in How Not to do Marketing

The gaffe-filled media whirlwind of the former New York mayor and federal prosecutor is a case study in how not to represent your client.


Learn to Stop Saying 'Um' and 'Ah' Before the Media Comes Calling

It's natural, we all do it -- insert little placeholder words to buy time to finish forming a sentence -- but media time is precious for increasing your company's visibility. Train yourself to become a good interview.


An Entrepreneur Editor Shares How to Get Press Coverage for Your Business

In this video, Entrepreneur's Liz Webber shares the right way to pitch your business.


10 Credible Ways to Show the Media You're an Expert Worth Interviewing

You don't have to know more than anybody else in the world, just more than the reporter and the audience.

Operations & Logistics

4 Innovative Ways to Get Media Coverage

Journalists are people, too. Addressing their challenges helps eliminate obstacles to your company's getting PR.


Is Sending Out a Press Release Really Worth the Money?

The press release industry generates a lot of money-but it might not hold any value for your business.

News and Trends

Want to Know More About What's Happening in North East India? #3 Media Ventures Get You All

Digital media is a product of rapidly advancing technology and tapping into this potential are numerous hyper-local media platforms from NE

Operations & Logistics

10 Commandments of Successfully Managing a Business Crisis

Commandment number one is beginning preparing before anything has gone wrong.


Answering This One Question Can Boost Positive PR Coverage

If you didn't own the store, why would you care that it's opening?


Why Your Marketing Team Should Be Journalists

Your brand needs content that has a strong voice, is well-researched, and tells your story. Who can write content like that? Journalists.


5 Insights About the Media That Every Marketer Should Know

Unless you've been arrested, reporters aren't interested in your company. Once you understand that, you can make a plan.

Growth Strategies

How This Entrepreneur is Helping Businesses Build their Brands

For start-ups and businesses alike, she helps them create a brand name in the industry


Marketing Without PR Is Like A Dream Without A Goal

A company with marketing and no PR is akin to having a store that no one knows about.

Business Culture

How One Ad Exec Is Changing Her Industry

Jessica Abo sits down with Gail Tifford to talk about #SeeHer, a new initiative to drive a more accurate portrayal of women and girls in media and advertising.

Operations & Logistics

Want to Stand Out in a Journalist's Crowded Inbox? There's an App for That.

Technology might be your best friend when it comes to standing out in a sea of boring press releases.