Media Coverage: Page 10

Operations & Logistics

The New PR: 5 Content and News Distribution Strategies You Need to Master

Success in the modern marketplace requires a savvy mix of social media, shareable content and even paid placement.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to Handle That Media Interview Like a Pro

Knowing what you shouldn't say is just as important as knowing what you should say.

Starting a Business

Want Press for Your Business? Do It for the Right Reasons.

Don't make this common mistake.


You're Not Elon Musk or Richard Branson. Here's What You Need to Know About Approaching the Media.

There is a tiny number of very famous entrepreneurs everybody wants to interview and a very large number nobody has heard of.

Operations & Logistics

A 5-Step Checklist to Maximize Press Coverage for Your Business

You're doing PR all wrong. The good news: It isn't hard to start doing it right, and it might even cost less than you think.

Operations & Logistics

PR 101: How to Talk to a PR Professional

Here are five tips on having an effective conversation to help you reach your end goal.

News and Trends

The Evolution of Digital Media and Content

The main focus of the designers of digital content is that it should be short and quick to consume


The Secret to Getting a Popular Blogger to Review Your Product

Here is an email template that will not only help land a product review, but also have the blogger share it with their massive audience.

Growth Strategies

Five Ways To Pitch Better To A Journalist

The truth is that journalists are hungry for sources and contributors to stories, but they often don't want to talk to someone who hasn't had a lot of experience dealing with the media.

Growing a Business

Want to Stand Out? Think Like An Editor.

Serve a need and be memorable.


Does Appearing at CES Actually Pay Off?

Whether you run a young company or an established consumer brand, there are many advantages to appearing at CES.

Business News

How to Get the Media Hooked On Your Company

With everyone's products vying for media attention, here's how to get them interested in your company.


6 Ways to Go Mainstream and Develop Your Brand

Here is how to get the press and influencers to notice you.

Social Media

Here's Why Entrepreneurs Ought to Value Mainstream Media

Facts are important to finding your way in the world, even if they aren't as persuasive as we wish they were.