Mindfulness: Page 2

Thought Leaders

Free Webinar | April 18: 5 Tips to Develop a Take-Action Mindset & Healthier Life

Ready to become your best self? Then join our free webinar as transformation coach and weight loss expert Charles D'Angelo teaches you actionable tips you can use to develop an empowered mindset that leads to a healthier life. Register now →

Thought Leaders

How Learning to Stay in the Present Moment Will Make You (and Your Business) Better

Here's a look at how to improve your business in 2023 by staying present and cultivating aliveness from within.

Business News

How to Be More Creative in Your Business

Creativity is an ongoing negotiation with yourself and the world. While making space in the daily hustle of running a business is difficult, finding small ways to tap into your creative mind can spark insights and innovations that broaden your business's horizons.

Thought Leaders

How Mindfulness Can Take Your Entrepreneurship to the Next Level

Here's how mindfulness and being present in the moment can make you a better entrepreneur.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Deepak Chopra Invites Everyone Into His Metaverse Home

The meditation marvel has brought his friend and CEO of the Chopra Foundation, Poonacha Machaiah, into the fold to build a digital oasis of caring and compassion.


The Truth Behind The Holiday Slowdown and How to Avoid It

It's the most wonderful time of the year… when everyone slows down and stops replying to your emails. Want to know the truth about the Christmas slowdown? It's just another collective agreement!


Use This Powerful Thought Technique and Watch Your Team Succeed

Expansive thinking is simple in concept but a powerful tool for transformation when applied thoughtfully.

Thought Leaders

Why Is My Manifesting Not Working? 3 Crucial Misconceptions About Manifesting and "The Law of Attraction"

In this age of tips, life hacks and "secrets to success," it can be easy to become cynical. We're so bombarded by information — sorting the wheat from the chaff is almost a full-time job! So what is the truth behind manifesting and "The Law of Attraction"?


4 estrategias respaldadas por expertos para ser menos impulsivo

Una dosis diaria de atención plena puede ser una gran diferencia. Retrasar la gratificación es vital.

Thought Leaders

4 Expert-Backed Strategies for Being Less Impulsive

A daily dose of mindfulness can make a world of difference. Delaying gratification is vital.


Why Slowing Down Will Get You Farther

Like running a marathon, no person — or business — can sustain the same rapid pace without slowing down or taking a break.


Worried That You Don't Have Time for Self-Care? Here's How to Fit It Into Any Schedule

How do you start incorporating self-care into your life? It's easier than you think.

Making a Change

4 Strategies for Retaining Your Entrepreneurial Confidence

Inspiration is just the spark, but you need daily practice to keep your momentum going.


Stat Being More Mindful Now With This Top-Rated App

Tap into your inner self with Mindfulness.com.