Courtney Seiter


Courtney Seiter is a writer and editor at Buffer. 

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Business News

5 Side Hustle Lessons I Learned From My Day Job

If you're sitting on a side hustle idea and ready to pull the trigger, here are five big lessons I've learned so far that might help guide you from startup to scaleup and beyond.

Business News

How to Talk Pay and Negotiate a Better Salary

It can be a difficult subject to talk about -- but you've got to bring it up somehow.

Business News

40 Core Philosophies From Famous Marketers in History

Some of its wisest teachings are hundreds of years old.

Business News

Understanding the Science and Psychology of Open Salaries

It's taboo to share your salary with everyone, but being transparent about payment is very beneficial for businesses. Find out why.

Business News

How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Your Work Sucks

Creating -- building something from nothing and sharing it with the world -- requires a lot of bravery. In the end, it can feel a bit like breaking yourself free.

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