David Koji
David Koji is CEO of evolvor.com, an online marketing and advertising agency based out of New Jersey, specializing in search engine and content marketing that converts into real results.
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An Inspiring Discussion With Simon Sinek About Learning Your 'Why'
You will never figure out "how'' until you are clear on "why."
5 Ways to Grow Your Business in 2017
Help your business take the next step with these 5 tips.
Turning a Passion Into a Profitable Career
First determine your 'why' and then your 'how' will become clear.
10 Strategies to Drive More Backlinks
These actionable tactics and resources will help develop and grow your content strategy.
7 Inspiring Documentaries Every Business Owner Must Watch
What's better on a hot summer night than a cold beer and a cool documentary streaming on the tube?
3 Leadership Truths Learned Leading 3 Businesses
A boss tells people what to do. A leader inspires them to do it.
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