Howard S. Dvorkin


Howard Dvorkin, CPA is the chairman of, an entrepreneur, personal finance adviser, and author. He focuses his endeavors in consumer finance, technology, media and real estate industries. Money cannot buy happiness, but going into debt always buys misery. That’s why I launched

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Lucha contra la gran renuncia con una pequeña idea

Algunos empleados quieren un cheque de pago más grande. Otros buscan formas de estirar su cheque de pago.


Fight the Great Resignation With One Little Idea

Some employees want a bigger paycheck. Others seek ways to stretch their paycheck.


Quizás deberíamos abrazar la inflación

La inflación no tiene por qué arruinar su nuevo negocio. Si lo hace bien, puede que incluso contribuya al resultado final.

Money & Finance

Maybe We Should Embrace Inflation

Inflation doesn't have to doom your new business. Done right, you might even help the bottom line.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Small Businesses Should Have No Business with Cryptocurrency

Stick to your plan. Don't bite at bitcoin.

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