Jim Marggraff
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What Entrepreneurship and Parenthood Taught Me About Empathy
This contributor believed in the power of empathy so much that he incorporated it into his parenting philosophy.
Want to Raise a Founder? Then Follow Through on Your Commitments.
People who bail on their plans or don't respect others' time rarely become either good leaders or good parents -- and certainly not effective ones.
Teaching Your Kids About Entrepreneurship Isn't About 'Fair'
Help your children become confident leaders by focusing on the factors within their control instead of griping about fairness.
3 Ways to Raise Your Kids to Think -- and Solve Problems -- Like an Entrepreneur
Kids who feel lost in the face of adversity today will encounter substantial challenges in the "Fourth Revolution" of tomorrow.
3 Tips for Raising Your Kids to Be Empathetic Entrepreneurs
Teaching children empathy now lays the foundation for a rewarding future, including in the business world.
Want to Stay Ahead of the Competition? Get Virtual.
Augmented and virtual reality can help you innovate in your field before you fall behind. Here are six ways to get started.
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