Julian Hayes II


Julian Hayes II is an author, host of "Optimal Health for Busy Entrepreneurs" and the founder of The Art of Fitness & Life. He helps busy entrepreneurs and executives recharge and upgrade their health.

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Estrategias de crecimiento

Tres verdades simples que harán o romperán sus objetivos comerciales y de acondicionamiento físico

Tener éxito en ambos campos se reduce a estas tres cosas.

Growing a Business

Three Simple Truths That Will Make or Break Your Business and Fitness Goals

Succeeding in both arenas comes down to these three things.

Estilo de vida

4 hábitos que le ayudarán a usted y a su empresa a recuperarse

Lo que lo ayudará a recuperarse en el negocio también lo ayudará a recargar y mejorar su salud.


4 Habits That Will Help You and Your Business Bounce Back Into Top Shape

What will help you bounce back in business will also help you recharge and upgrade your health.

Growing a Business

3 Overlooked Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Struggle to Lose Weight

What makes you a successful entrepreneur can also be the reason why you struggle with your weight.


4 Things Entrepreneurs Can Do When Nothing Is Going Their Way

Many entrepreneurs are experiencing hardships. In those moments when nothing seems to be working, shift momentum by taking these steps.

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