Kevin Busque
Kevin Busque is founder and CEO of Guideline, one of the first all-inclusive, fee-free 401(k) platforms. Busque founded Guideline after seven years at TaskRabbit, the online mobile marketplace that he co-founded.
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Everything Small Business Owners Need to Know About the 401(k) Match
Find out how best to offer this perk to your employees.
It's National 401(k) Day. Here's How to Choose the Right One for Your Employees
A five-step process you can use for your business.
Lucky Enough to Have Investors Banging Down Your Door? Here's How to Manage an Inbound-Driven Investment Round.
Here are some things you can do to navigate the process to best leverage this existing interest.
Can Main Street Businesses Thrive in the Trump Era?
Major policy developments are impacting smaller businesses and their employees.
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