Lisa Girard
Lisa Girard is a freelance writer who covers topics as diverse as golf fashion, health and beauty, the hardware industry and small business interests. She also has been Senior Apparel Editor for PGA Magazine for more than a decade.
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Lessons in Persuasion From the Most Celebrated American Presidents
With a nod to Presidents' Day, we examine what entrepreneurs can learn from the White House's greatest communicators.
10 Questions to Ask Before Committing to a Business Partner
Having a partner could share the load ... or create added burden.
10 Questions to Ask When Preparing for a Trade Show
If you are considering exhibiting at a trade show, here is what you need to know to best strategize for the event.
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The dream of being one's own boss is what leads many people to start businesses, but don't be too hasty in leaving your bread-and-butter job.
10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Letting an Employee Go
Every time you are tempted to fire an employee, use it as an opportunity to look in the mirror and learn. The fact that an employee isn't performing according to your expectations may not be his problem, but yours.
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Managers often have no problem evaluating their employees' strengths and weaknesses, but taking stock of their own skills is just as important. Here are the 10 key questions to ask yourself when evaluating how well you manage people.
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