Melissa Campanelli


Melissa Campanelli is a technology writer in Brooklyn, New York, who has covered technology for Mobile Computing & Communications and Sales & Marketing Management magazines. You can reach her at

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Science & Technology

Starting an Online Business in a Down Economy

As shoppers flock to their computers instead of driving to the mall, entrepreneurs with e-businesses can make a hefty sum.

Business News

Scale It Down

Want your website to reach more people? Make it ready to move.

Business News

Make Your Mark

3 simple ways to make your online enterprise a standout.

Business News

Poll Vaulting

Need a tool that will help you get a jump on market research and customer feedback? Look no further than online polls.

Science & Technology

Build Your Own Website

Before worrying about design details, start by creating a site outline.

Business News

The Right Stuff

Web design experts reveal their top 10 trademarks of stellar sites.