Milind Pant

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor


Milind Pant is CEO of Amway. He is passionate about helping people live better, healthier lives.

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6 Principles for Nurturing a Healthier, Happier Workforce

Encourage a healthier workforce with inspiration from the world's Blue Zones.

Science & Technology

I'm Approaching Generative AI With a Growth Mindset — Here's What That Means and Why You Should, Too.

As tools like ChatGPT begin to revolutionize how we learn and work, keeping an open mind — and an awareness of advancements and drawbacks — can help us all make the most of the possibilities.


Cómo los pequeños agradecimientos pueden tener un gran impacto en tu negocio

Expresar gratitud es bueno para la cultura laboral y cuando se hace bien, genera un estímulo positivo tanto para el que agradece como para el que recibe el agradecimiento. Aquí hay tres maneras de darle más poder a tus agradecimientos.


How Small Thank Yous Can Have a Big Impact on Your Business

Expressing gratitude is good for workplace culture — and when it's done right, it's a positive boost to both the giver and the receiver. Here are three ways to pack more power into your thank yous.


3 formas de superar la adversidad y tener éxito en la vida

Los emprendedores no pueden darse el lujo de dejar que los tiempos difíciles los depriman. He aquí tres maneras esenciales de sobrevivir y prosperar pese a la adversidad.


3 Ways to Overcome Adversity and Succeed in Life

Entrepreneurs can't afford to let challenging times get them down. Here are three essential ways to survive and thrive through adversity.

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