Nathalie Virem


Nathalie supports global leaders in following their calling and having a positive impact on the world. The Nathalie Virem Foundation received two "Certificate of Recognition" awards from the City of Los Angeles and the State of California.

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7 Traits and Skills of Next Generation Leaders

Grasping these seven concepts requires consciousness and practice.

Thought Leaders

How Meditation Can Help You Form a Clear Business Vision

Four simple tools that will help you better align your life's purpose.


Cómo la meditación puede ayudarlo a formar una visión comercial clara

Cuatro herramientas simples que te ayudarán a alinear mejor el propósito de tu vida.

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The Science-Proven Benefits You Get When You Share Your Time and Resources With Others

These are the four keys to adopting a mindset of abundance.

Estilo de vida

Los beneficios probados científicamente que obtiene cuando comparte su tiempo y recursos con otros

Estas son las cuatro claves para adoptar una mentalidad de abundancia.

Health & Wellness

3 Powerful Tools We Can Use During These Changing Times

We have within us the power to combat fear and uncertainty.

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