Randy Paynter


Randy Paynter is the founder and CEO of Care2, a social network of 50 million members standing together to make the world a better place. Care2 is a social enterprise, using the power of business as a force for good.

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How to Turn Your Biggest Fear Into Your (Career) Superpower

Negative beliefs can derail success, but there's a way to modify them to your favor. Just ask Richard Branson.

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Getting Into Entrepreneurial Shape Means Working Your Mind

Simple mind exercises may help burnout.


What Pig Poop Taught Me About Growing a 20-Year-Old Business

Don't discount alternative funding sources and creative revenue streams. To get through the toughest times, companies must do whatever it takes.

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The Surprising Stigma Confronting Mission-Driven Entrepreneurs

For many social entrepreneurs, making money is bad PR. We need to kill this stigma, before it's too late.

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Why I Turned Down $10 Million Even Though Our Company Was Nearly Broke

Building networks of trust is key for social entrepreneurs.


4 Ways Your Business Should NOT Respond to an Online Petition

Remember United's P.R. disaster? By avoiding some common mistakes, companies can leverage online petitions to their advantage.

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