Tal Frankfurt
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El camino hacia el éxito está lleno de errores. Haz estas cuatro cosas para aprovechar su potencial de crecimiento
Los errores suelen percibirse negativamente y son vistos como costosos e inaceptables. Sin embargo, cada error contiene valiosas lecciones, especialmente los que no habíamos cometido antes.
The Path to Success Is Filled With Mistakes. Do These Four Things to Tap Into Their Growth Potential.
Mistakes are often perceived negatively, seen as costly and unacceptable. However, each mistake holds valuable lessons, especially new ones.
Por qué el fracaso es crucial para el éxito
Lo mejor de lo mejor falla. Es la forma en que respondes al fracaso la que conduce al éxito.
Why Failure Is Crucial To Success
The best of the best fail. It's how you respond that leads to success.
How to Be An Accountable Leader During an Age of Layoffs
If you are a leader, you eat last. Here's how to lead by example during economic uncertainty.
The New Normal: How In-Person Events Have Evolved In The Post-Pandemic World
In-person events are back and stronger than ever. Optimize the groundwork for a successful event by utilizing virtual options.
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