Amazon Delivery Driver Found Dead On Scene In Possible Dog Attack Authorities said that the driver's family had been contacted though his identity has not been publicly revealed.
By Emily Rella
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

A horrifying delivery gone wrong has police investigating the death of an Amazon driver.
Officers in Excelsior Springs, Missouri were called to a home around 7 p.m. on Monday after neighbors noticed that an Amazon delivery truck was idling outside of a residential home for hours. The homeowners were not home at the time.
Police then found the body of the driver and what appeared to be dog bites. A German Shepard and a mastiff were also found behind the gate of the home where the driver's remains were found.
Ray County Sheriff Scott Childers said that the dogs were acting "aggressive," leading the sheriff to put both dogs down.
"We do not know the cause of death yet, but the Amazon driver did have a substantial amount of damage to his body very similar to that of canine bites," Childers said, though the cause of death will not be confirmed until an autopsy is performed this week.
Authorities said that the driver's family had been contacted though his identity has not been publicly revealed.
The home where the driver's body was found is located off Highway O, an interstate that runs through the rural town in the Northwest part of the state.
Entrepreneur reached out to Amazon for comment.