Customer Appreciation
Are you overlooking the best source of business--your existingcustomers? Marketing to current customers costs less than targetingnew ones and pays off better, too.
Just ask Nancy Michaels. The owner of marketing communicationsfirm Impression Impact in Concord, Massachusetts, and the authorand publisher of audiotape "How to Be a Big Fish in Any Pond:Memorable Strategies for Microbusiness and Entrepreneurs,"reveals how she keeps clients coming back for more.
1. Position yourself as an invaluable resource. Alertcustomers to seminars or magazine articles they might findrelevant. And whenever you think of a way to save clients money orenhance their productivity, let them know. "You're makingthem feel they can't do without you," says Michaels.
2. Give something for free. "It's good forclients to know you're not charging them for everything youdo," says Michaels. Offer a free service or a discount couponas a reward for continued business.
3. Provide clients with referrals. "If you'redoing business with a company," Michaels stresses, "youought to be referring people to them." People alwaysappreciate new leads, and giving referrals conveys your value tocustomers in a tangible way.
4. Make your clients stars. With their permission, whynot hang your customers' photos in your place of business? Ordo what Michaels does: Feature clients in your company'snewsletter.
5. Maintain visibility through writing. If you don'talready send a company newsletter to clients, consider doing so. Oroffer to write articles in industry publications your clientsread.
6. See and be seen. "People like to do business withpeople they think are confident, capable and have excellentreputations," says Michaels. "Make an effort to maintainthat image."
7. Don't hard-sell. "If a client feelsyou're only trying to get more out of them to make a sale, andyou're not really coming to them with solutions or ideas, thatleaves a sour taste in their mouths," says Michaels.
8. Lend your expertise. If a client has an informal panelof advisors, offer to join. "One of the [problems] for peoplewho work independently or have small businesses is they don'thave enough people to use as sounding boards," explainsMichaels.
9. Offer promotions at unusual times. Instead of offeringspecial deals at Christmas, why not commemorate a less celebratedholiday such as Labor Day or St. Patrick's Day? Or, for apersonal touch, remember your clients' birthdays.
10. Expand your services or product line. "As youbecome more familiar with your clients' needs," saysMichaels, "you can begin to incorporate some of those[products or services] into your business so they don't have togo elsewhere."