A Win-Win Marketing Strategy Why not outsource parts of your Web site?
Don't be afraid to outsource components of your Web site,such as the shopping cart, tracking customers and handlingtransactions. Many pundits advise against this, but there'slittle downside risk. This is not so different from abrick-and-mortar business contracting to have cleaning or payrollservices.
Visitors who come to your site and decide to buy a product needmerely to click "add to my purchase" or "add toshopping cart." This links them to your outsourcing service, asecure server that receives this visitor's credit card andcontact information and completes the transaction for you. Whenvisitors are finished shopping, they return to your Web site.
Outsourcing doesn't force you to relinquish control.Actually, you maintain complete control of your Web pages on theserver you've selected. You're able to maintain flexibilityand are free from handling routine transactions. The site visitoris able to make purchases quickly, easily and seamlessly--and maystill linger on your site. It's a win-win-win marketingstrategy.
Excerpted from 101 Internet Marketing Tips For YourBusiness