Get In the Fun Zone Capitalize on old-fashioned publicity stunts.
No, you don't have to climb telephone poles or swallowgoldfish to get attention, but you can make a name for yourself byhaving some fun at community events such as parades, cook-offs andarts-and-crafts fairs. Take part and let yourself and youremployees go crazy with wacky T-shirts, fun slogans and more.Consider the landscaping company with a precision lawn-mowing teamthat does fancy footwork while marching in local parades.
Or how about the woman who manufactures authentic three-alarmchili? She had a booth at a summer arts festival and wanted tocreate some additional attention for her product. She hired avolunteer fire department to show up with truck, ladders andfirefighters decked out in full gear to spotlight her chili in away no press release could.
Excerpted from 303 Marketing Tips: Guaranteed To Boost YourBusiness