Searching For A Sales Consultant? Before you hire, know what to look for.
Do you need to hire a sales consultant? Here are a few signs tolook for-the most obvious being results. If sales are down, agood consultant can provide you with solutions. Maybe salespeoplearen't using their time well or aren't receiving effectivetraining. Maybe they aren't up to speed on changes in theindustry.
Once you decide you need a consultant, how do you choose one?There are no set rules when searching for a sales consultant, buthere are some general guidelines:
1. In most cases, avoid pre-packaged programs. People whocome in with software or a training program that isn'tcustomized usually don't do much good. Instead, opt for aprogram or system that's built from the ground up for yourcompany or at least one that's modified to suit your needs.
2. Make sure the consultant asks a lot of questions.Instead of just pitching their plan, prospective consultants shouldinquire about the company. Insist on someone who's willing andeager to investigate the problem before offering a solution. Themore the individual asks about your business, the more interestedyou should be.
3. Look for a "twist" or a new, innovative approachto a problem. If sales are falling short of goals, stay awayfrom someone offering platitudes or warmed-over ideas about howsalespeople should become better at making calls.
4. Avoid motivational speeches. Unless you're lookingfor a pep talk-which definitely has its place-stay awayfrom inspirational speakers masquerading as consultants. It'sunlikely they'll offer any real or substantial advice.
5. Check references. Talk to your peers about the peoplethey've used, research the names you're given, and ask thereferences detailed questions. It's amazing, says oneconsultant, how infrequently companies that end up hiring himactually call the references he gives them.
6. Agree on payment before anything is done. Fees canrange from a few hundred dollars for each salesperson to sixfigures for an ongoing program.
7. Don't expect too much. Keep in mind that no oneperson is likely to turn around an entire department, particularlyif it's overrun with problems. Look for answers within thecompany, too. At the first sign of a problem, it's notnecessary to run to a consultant. Still, a good one can prove to bean invaluable asset to your business. If nothing else, theindividual will give you the perspective of an outsider, and in thepolitically charged world of most companies, that alone can justifythe cost.