3 Content Strategies to Skyrocket Your Revenue Here's how one affiliate marketer created massive growth for his business.
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"When I slow down on content, everything slows down in my business," says Spencer Mecham, an entrepreneur who specializes in affiliate marketing.
In this interview at ClickFunnels' annual Funnel Hacking Live conference, Emily Richett sits down with Mecham to learn about how content marketing can propel a business. Here are three strategies that helped him gain massive momentum:
1. Get your face out there.
In his first two years of affiliate marketing, Mecham was reluctant to produce content or be the face of his business. He soon realized, however, that "when I put content out there, everything goes well in my business. When I slow down on content, everything slows down in my business."
Most of his content is in video form because it builds trust and a stronger relationship between Mecham and his customers. He says, "Without video, there is no relationship. If you're just words on a page and someone can't picture you, you can't sell them, you can't buy from words."
2. Problem-solving content is king.
Most entrepreneurs turn to YouTube and Google when they have problems they need help solving. Mecham discovers his target audience's pain points by using Facebook groups and keyword tools, like Google Adwords.
Once he determines what entrepreneurs are struggling with, he produces content and suggests software services to help them solve those problems.
Mecham says, "I build content around that and I point them to ClickFunnels or whatever affiliate product is best suited to that particular problem they have. So I just help people solve problems."
3. Find your niche.
Before you can determine what kind of content to publish, you have to figure out your own target audience, which means finding your niche.
Mecham discovered in his own business that he couldn't just help entrepreneurs in general; he had to find specific types of businesses to market to.
He gives an example of an entrepreneur who shows ClickFunnels software to accountants specifically. "They're able to get massive results just because they're so niched down. There's not a lot of competition."
When you market a product or service too generally, your audience "can't grasp what it will do for their business. You have to go as niche as you possibly can," Mecham says.