Hungry for New Leads? You Probably Aren't Putting Out Enough Hooks. Branch out and go as diverse as possible with your marketing efforts.
By Greg Rollett
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Greg Rollett talks about putting hooks out into the marketplace so more people will find your product or service.
If you don't have these hooks out in the marketplace, no one can discover you. As a marketer, your options for hooks are limitless -- you can send out emails, you can post on social media, you can call people on the phone and on top of that you can also send out snail mail.
Plus, putting out these hooks in quick succession and consistently will lead to, quite obviously, more opportunities than simply sending out one measly email a month.
Click the play button to hear more from Rollett on executing your marketing hooks.
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