These 10 Bad Habits Are Standing in the Way of Your Success If you're struggling to achieve success, see if you are falling into these common traps.
By Brian Tracy
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy explains that, while many people believe the only path to success is hard work, there are many other unforeseen components. For instance, many successful people are pros at not only advcing their goals, but they are also able to identify which behaviors are setting them back.
Here are some examples of these behaviors:
- Making empty promises. By not coming through on a promise you made, it will affect your personal and company's image.
- Blaming others. When you divert criticism from yourself, you are saying that other people are the reason you are not successful, when in fact, true success is dependent on yourself and your own habits.
- Waiting for the right moment. Telling yourself you're just waiting for the right moment is an excuse that helps you burrow deeper into your own bubble. By waiting for when you're personally ready, you may just miss your oportunity. If you find yourself holding back to wait, perhaps ask yourself instead if you're just scared.
- Talking about goals without setting them. If you find yourself describing a goal to a friend and then a few months later, you see you have nothing to show for it, you may want to consider changing your habits.
Click the video to hear all 10 of the habits Tracy has identified.
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