What 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' Author Jack Canfield Is Accomplishing in 2019 Hear what the speaker and well-known author hopes to get done in the new year.
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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner and author Jack Canfield reviews some of his goals for 2019. In his life, Canfield divides his divides his goals and time iife into clear categories: Business, financial, relationships, recreation and contributions related to giving back.
For 2019, Canfield's goals include attempting to increase the gross income of his trading group company by $5 million. Relationships-wise, Canfield hopes to start a date night with his wife one evening a week. In terms of his hopes of contributing back to the world and his community, Canfield aims to give at least four free talks to the local community, give 10 percent of his tax-deducted income to non-profit organizations and to provide one of his online courses to someone in a third-world country.
By creating these goals, Canfield hopes to better himself and his community for the new year. To hear all of Canfield's goals for 2019, click the video.
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