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How to Assemble a Strong, Dynamic and Interdependent Team "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team."

By Chris Kille Edited by Chelsea Brown

Key Takeaways

  • Building a strong, interdependent team is crucial for business success. It's not just about hiring skilled individuals, but creating an environment where team members enhance each other's effectiveness.
  • Fostering trust, open communication and collaboration are essential for developing an interdependent team. This includes promoting transparency, leveraging individual strengths, facilitating teamwork and encouraging mutual support among team members.

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In the words of Phil Jackson, "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." This makes it very important for any entrepreneur and business leader to have a team that is very strong, dynamic and fully interdependent.

It is not just about recruiting a set of skilled people; it is about creating a team that makes each team member more effective. Here is how you can assemble such a team.

Related: Building High-Performance Teams For Your Business: The How-To

My journey to understanding interdependence

When I started my entrepreneurial career, I thought that the excellence of the individual mattered. When I first became a manager, I believed that if I were to hire the most appropriate people for the various positions, success would be inevitable. But I found out that no matter how gifted people are, they will still have problems if they cannot combine their efforts. The going was tough, and there were always some battles to fight. What was evident was that a team filled with outstanding performers is not enough; you need a cohesive and mutually dependent team.

Creating a culture of trust and communication

1. Establish trust from day one

As we all know, trust is the pillar of any good team. Without it, collaboration remains on the surface. As a way to foster trust, one should begin with honesty. Be transparent with your team about your vision, objectives and problems.

In my company, we began holding weekly meetings that would be based on the concept of transparency. In such gatherings, people (including me) would share updates, difficulties and achievements. All this openness helped in creating a culture where trust was the norm.

2. Promote open and honest communication

It is essential to maintain open lines of communication. Promote the practice of open communication where team members can express opinions, give feedback or raise issues. Employ practices that make employees feel like they are valued in the organization.

To encourage this, we provided an option for team members to share anonymous feedback and ideas. This ensured that even the shy members could speak out as and when they wanted to.

Leveraging individual strengths for collective success

1. Identify and utilize individual strengths

Every person on the team has some qualities that other team members don't possess. Be aware of these strengths, and ensure tasks corresponding to those strengths are awarded. It not only increases the efficiency of individual work but also increases overall team productivity.

The StrengthsFinder was implemented at our company for the purpose of identifying specific strengths of each team member. Once we established people's strengths, we proceeded to assign work and projects according to people's areas of brilliance, so that everybody worked in their "brilliance box."

2. Encourage specialization and cross-training

To some extent, the team members should specialize in some of their duties, but cross-training is just as essential. It ensures that knowledge and skills are propagated and allows the team to better manage tasks.

To address the lack of coordination, we introduced a monthly cross-training session where one could learn about the functions of other team members. It not only created an empathetic attitude but also a more diversified and stable team at the same time.

Related: How to Build a Strengths-Based Culture by Unlocking the Power of Employee Potential

Building interdependence

1. Foster a collaborative environment

Collaboration should be the center of all the processes within the team. Arrange situations in which group members can collaborate on projects and other tasks that require problem-solving. This fosters the element of shared responsibility and team success.

Cross-functionalities were fostered by the creation of cross-functional teams for certain tasks. Thus, carrying out activities in parallel allowed for the consideration of more ideas, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing original solutions.

2. Develop a culture of mutual support

The key feature of interdependent teams is that they rely on support from other members. Promote teamwork so that everyone in the team is motivated to assist their colleagues and teach them what they know. Reward the efforts and appreciate people for their support and collaboration.

Our company introduced a "Team Player of the Month" ceremony with the express purpose of applauding those who sought to assist others. This recognition enhanced the need for solidarity and cooperation with one another.

Empowering team members for greater independence

1. Give autonomy and ownership

Forcing your team members to work in a certain way is counter-productive. Instead, encourage them to take charge of their tasks and outputs. When done effectively, it creates an environment of accountability and leads to improved employee engagement and productivity.

We introduced a concept known as ROWE, which stands for Results Oriented Work Environment, and it eliminated time-bound evaluation procedures. By granting them this change, they were able to proceed the way in which they felt most effective, improving both the rate of work as well as morale.

2. Invest in continuous learning and development

Promote continuous staff training and development to ensure long-term success. Doing so ensures that a learning team is ready for change and capable of meeting the challenges that come with change.

For every team member, we offered the opportunity to spend the learning stipend on courses, books or conferences he or she wanted. These actions led to enhanced skills and knowledge for everyone in the organization, thus emphasizing the value of investing in the growth of the team.

Leading by example

1. Demonstrate interdependence

As a leader, you should teach your team how to behave in the desired manner and set the tone for proper behavior. When you demonstrate that you respect the importance of all team members and depend on them, you will find they do the same to you.

While leading my team, I made sure I included the various team members in decision-making and ensured that they were appreciated. This showed that I believed in them and emphasized our symbiotic relationship.

2. Provide constructive feedback and celebrate successes

Feedback breaks down barriers and enables team members to develop. It also fosters the betterment of the team. While explaining to your team members what they need to improve on, be sure to also tell them the good things they are doing. Always take time to look back and reflect on when a goal has been achieved or progress was made to ensure motivation is kept high throughout the team.

We introduced a feedback meeting involving the entire team, and it was conducted once every two weeks. Also, we congratulated the teams and provided additional support through team lunches and other motivational methods.

Related: 10 Simple Steps to Build an Exceptional and Efficient Team

Teamwork is one of the most satisfying investments because it helps to form interdependence within the organization. Trust in your co-workers, encourage equal communication, focus on strengths, facilitate teamwork, and give power to the team, and you will establish a solid and tight-knit force that can produce only victory. Bear in mind that every member of the team brings a certain amount of strength, and, at the same time, each team member derives strength from the team. That's why it is better to embrace this interdependence and strengthen the base for sustainable success.

Chris Kille

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

Founder at EO Staff

Chris Kille in Boston, MA, innovates in business efficiency, focusing on Virtual Assistant services and Payment Processing tech. He identifies growth opportunities and streamlines operations to enhance profitability. Chris values networking for success and fosters partnerships for speedy growth.

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