The One Thing You Really Need to Know About Personal Branding It's not about trying to be someone else -- it's about taking your key characteristics and turning the volume up on them.
By Ben Angel
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Ben Angel explains the one thing you need to know about personal branding.
Personal branding is "self-expression amplified to influence and command attention," Angel says. It's not about trying to be someone else -- it's about taking your key characteristics and turning the volume up on them.
Your personal brand should be a direct reflection of you. Angel instructs listeners to take a moment and ask themselves, "Who am I and what do I stand for?" The answer may not come instantaneously, but until you understand what it is, your personal brand won't be authentic.
Click play to watch the full video and find out what you truly need to have for a successful personal brand.
Watch more videos from Ben Angel on his YouTube channel here.
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