Unlock Your Inner Genius Codes Female owners who listen to their intuition and follow what feels good will fully harness their full power.
By Kelly Wing Edited by Bill Schulz
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

As a business owner, it can be hard not to fall into the current paradigm of how things have always been done. Everywhere you look there seems to be a strategy designed to support you to achieve your dream. You need only do a quick Google search on how to start, run and grow a business to find a flood of information.
For some, many of these strategies can feel constricting and are often based on outdated approaches designed by men for male-bodied people. It is no surprise women are starting to notice the ways in which the status quo is no longer working for them. But here's the thing: It doesn't have to be that way.
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Less is more
We are taught if we work hard enough, we will become successful. We are taught a "hustle" mentality.
It has become widely accepted feeling stressed, drained and depleted is part of what it means to do business. Roughly 56 percent of businesses make it to the fifth year, and according to Success Resources, for women it is even less.
Why? Because many women experience burnout.
Sigourney Belle, International Bestselling Author, Spiritual Teacher and owner of Wild Business has helped thousands of women to break out of the belief you have to sacrifice and struggle to grow your business and be successful.
Sigourney is dedicated to showing women their intuition, wildness, and connection to the divine is the infinite energy required to show up in business.
"The truth is your energy needs to be clear to attract clients who operate from a place of fullness. When you are drained and depleted you will only attract clients, customers or business partners who are of the same scarcity and depletion mindset," Sigourney shares.
What really helps is doing less.
Pause and take time from your day of hustle to breathe. The more you can create space for rest and play, the more abundance you will start to attract.
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Believe in magic
As a woman, your ability to thrive comes from harnessing your divine feminine energy. The thing is, you need only look back in history to see how women's energy has been shut down, vilified and largely cast aside from the world of business.
As women we are told to fit into some square type of box and follow the rules set before us. Unfortunately, a lot of these ideologies do not allow space for women to express themselves freely.
We are taught to be quiet, do what everyone else is doing and follow suit. If you are unable to be your divine feminine self, you will struggle to survive in the current paradigm of business, let alone thrive or grow a successful business.
The thing is, women were never meant to "hustle and grind" or do anything that does not make us feel good. Our divine feminine energy and intuition speaks to us when we are immersed in pleasure and this is what the new paradigm of business is calling us to do.
If you can learn to listen to your intuition and follow what feels good, it is here where you will fully harness your power. It is through flow and pleasure where the realms of magic are available to you.
Awaken your inner genius codes
If you are a business owner and playing the same game as everyone else, you are playing it small.
Everywhere, you will see everyone else doing the same thing. Everyone is following the same formula or using the same strategy. Therefore, it works, doesn't it?
Here is the problem: If you are not able to access the wisdom that runs through your bones and the innate genius of who you are, it will be challenging to grow your business.
You are here to embrace your innate essence and be you. You are not here to be some watered-down version of another person. So, decide to put and end to wasting your time, energy and effort trying to be someone or something you are not.
As soon as you can be all of you and operate fully from this space you will step into your greatness. Remember you are being called to something bigger than the game you are currently playing. Decide to stop playing small.
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