What Running With the Bulls and Polar Exploration Can Teach Entrepreneurs (Podcast) In our first-ever podcast, listen to Chartbeat's Tony Haile and behavioral expert Jon Levy explain what pushing boundaries teaches you about yourself and your abilities.
By Linda Lacina

Listen to Ready For Anything podcast Episode 1, with Linda Lacina, Tony Haile and Jon Levy with the audio player below.
Life does not always prepare you for adventure. But adventure -- with its twists and turns -- can prepare you for anything.
That's a takeaway from a man who'd know: Tony Haile, the CEO of Chartbeat, a media analytics company. Haile has sailed on ships roiling through hurricanes and dragged sledges for backbreaking hours across the Greenland ice cap.
Haile recounted stories like these in Entrepreneur Media's first-ever podcast. He was joined by Jon Levy, a behavioral expert who's been gored by the bulls in Pamplona and this year has challenged himself to visit every continent. Levy's book, The 2 A.M. Principle, shares his model for what makes adventure tick, and will be released next Spring.
In the chat, the pair share how unusual experiences have shaped them. When a ferocious storm on a boat left Haile drained of initiative, he questioned his ability to lead during crisis. He later realized the opposite of fear isn't bravery, but the inability to act.
And Levy tells us how personal challenges, like dropping himself off in foreign countries, have taught him how to be comfortable with discomfort. These stories have helped him define adventure as something that leads to a story, possesses risk and brings about a sort of change or personal growth.
Their experiences have prepared them both to manage failure, to prioritize and to cope, regardless of the situation. Listen for more of their stories in this podcast. Their insights explain the meaning behind the phrase "leave it on the last wave," and why more CEOs should take that saying to heart.
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