A Relationship That Turned Sour Motivated This Female Entrepreneur to Strike Out On Her Own One bad partnership does not need to set you back indefinitely in your business and social life.
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In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Business Rockstars interviews Cam Kashani. Kashani, the co-founder of COACCEL, which offers personalized training programs for business owners, discusses one of the formative moments of her entrepreneurial journey. Kashani recounts how in 2013 she was forced to file divorce from her husband who she had been in a relationship with for 23 years.
The two had built their first successful business together, a coworking space company based in Los Angeles. The business made an impressive profit and garnered Kashani the moniker the "Godmother of Silicon Beach." The personal and business relationship eventually came to a head and ended in a manner that was not entirely quiet.
In time, Kashani became acquainted with another female business owner who helped Kashani realize her potential as an independent business owner. This new relationship reassured Kashani that she was able to stand on her own on two feet; with perserverance and increased agency she could accomplish all she wanted according to her rules.
To hear more of Kashani's story, click on the video.
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