And the Most Admired Tech Founder Is ... Elon Musk Seriously, who else would it be? That's according to a new survey from CB Insights.
By Nina Zipkin

What are the traits you respect most in a leader?
Whether it's a composed demeanor, an understanding of human nature, integrity or a laser-focus on setting and achieving goals, there are many effective ways to lead and inspire trust and confidence.
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Last month, CB Insights, a firm that analyzes tech trends, launched a March Madness-style bracket and asked people to vote for the tech founders and executives they admired most, describing it as "Wrestlemania for tech geeks."
The results of the final vote came in, and Tesla and SpaceX CEO and co-founder Elon Musk is the victor.
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He beat out runner up the late Apple Co-founder Steve Jobs, as well as a group of 62 big names such as Microsoft's Bill Gates, Netflix's Reed Hastings, beauty guru Michelle Phan, Zappos founder Tony Hsieh and Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer.
It seems that while Jobs's tenure at Apple changed the way we think about the technology we carry around with us, almost as an extension of ourselves, people were apparently more inspired by the man who wants to colonize Mars.