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Productive Ways to Jumpstart Your Day Cut out daily distractions all day long with these early-morning strategies.

By Nina Zipkin

We all have off mornings, but if you find yourself feeling sluggish and dragging throughout the day, give some of these tips a try.

Wake yourself up with seven minutes of exercise. Have some fruits and veggies with your first meal of the day, and maybe give a green breakfast smoothie a try.

Then pick three things, three wins, that you want to accomplish for the day no matter how big or small. In choosing them, you know that if you can check those off the list you'll feel like it was a day well spent

Related: Working Endless Hours Does Not Make You a Hero (Infographic)

Make a to-do list block, and block off the amount of time you think you need on your calendar. Then give yourself 33 percent more time to cover your bases. Break up big projects into smaller chunks so you don't feel overwhelmed

Finally, power up after lunch. Take 15 minutes to refocus, take a walk and strategize for the rest of the day.

For more productivity tips, check out the video above.

Related: Live a Healthier Life by Making Consistency Work for You

Nina Zipkin

Entrepreneur Staff

Staff Writer. Covers leadership, media, technology and culture.

Nina Zipkin is a staff writer at She frequently covers leadership, media, tech, startups, culture and workplace trends.

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