Free Webinar | Today at 12 PM EST: Weathering the Storm as a Small-Business Owner Join us as we answer the myriad of questions and concerns complicating everyday business during this historic pandemic.
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Whether you operate with your customers face-to-face or online, there is an avalanche of questions facing small-business owners. How do you lessen the impact of this historic pandemic, and is it possible to thrive in this crisis? We'll cover those questions and more during this powerful webinar centered around you, the small-business owner, today, March 19, at 12 PM EST.
Hosted by Mark J. Kohler, CPA, attorney, co-host of the podcast Refresh Your Wealth, senior partner at the law firm of KKOS Lawyers and the accounting firm of K&E CPAs, and author of The Tax and Legal Playbook, 2nd Edition and The Business Owner's Guide to Financial Freedom.
Mark will be joined by:
- Mat Sorenson, CEO of Directed IRA, a partner at KKOS Lawyers, best-selling author and a self-directed retirement investor.
- Rulon Olsen, Certified Professional Consultant and the President of Rulon Inc., a privately-held public relations firm. He is also the CEO of Diamond Success Systems a practice management company for health care professionals.
Attendees of this webinar will learn:
- IRS update on any deadline extensions
- Status for SBA loans for affected businesses
- Handling cash flow demands with decreased sales
- Disease prevention policies in the office without getting sued and keeping the doors opened
- Asset preservation
- Tax deductions unique to this situation
- Moving employees to home-based stations