Growth Conference: Grow Your Biz at Growth 2.0
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Wouldn't you love the chance to pitch your business to the fine editors at Entrepreneur magazine and Now's your chance! There's still time to register for this year's FREE Growth 2.0 Conference in Miami Beach.
The small business community along with some of today's top business authors, radicals, visionaries and the Entrepreneur editorial team will convene this Tuesday, January 26, to discover how your business can take advantage of the current economy.
The keynote address will be delivered by none other than the father of guerrilla marketing himself, Jay Conrad Levinson. He'll reveal the secrets of guerrilla marketing, the truth about online marketing and the steps to take to earn serious profits with a guerrilla marketing attack.
Other speakers include networking guru and founder of BNI, Ivan Misner; startups master Tim Berry, internet marketing expert Starr Hall; sales genius Tom Black and master investor Asheesh Advani.
Along with a guaranteed one-on-one session with an editor, the producers from MSNBC's Your Business will be taping several segments where they'll seek answers and advice from conference attendees.
Need even more reason to come out? There will also be a Kindle giveaway and a Toys for Tots book drop-off station.
Get the latest conference information on Twitter at #growthconference and follow us at @EntMagazine. Also, sign up for the official Growth 2.0 Conference Tweet-Up.
Who's planning to attend? Can't wait to see everyone there!