7 Creative, Marvelous and Downright Weird Ways People Paid Tribute to Steve Jobs From 'Cheese Jobs' to 'Hello Stevie,' Apple fanboys and girls have immortalized Cupertino, Calif.'s 'Billion Dollar Hippie' in some curious and quirky ways.
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Steve Jobs has been the subject of dozens of books and half a dozen movies, and some seriously strange tributes. "Cheese Jobs," anyone?
There's no doubt the eccentric, innovative Apple co-founder, who died five years ago today, left an indelible imprint on the world. Evidence of his legacy is virtually everywhere you look, glowing in the hands of passersby and most likely in your own clutches. After all, there's now 1 billion people who own an electronic doodad made by the Cupertino, Calif., colossus that Jobs launched with Steve Wozniak in 1976.
Related: Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career
There's also no shortage of creative and bizarre ways fans of the "Billion Dollar Hippie" have paid tribute to the legendary tech mogul. Here are seven interesting, fun and quirky homages to the man who sold his Volkswagen bus to ignite a computing revolution:
1. "Cheese Jobs' on a platter
We weren't kidding. A self-described "Apple fanboy" really did sculpt a decent rendition of Jobs's noggin out of soft, pliable mozzarella cheese. Ken from TheCooksDen.com proudly displayed what he lovingly dubbed "Steve Jobs Cheese Head" atop a glorious platter smothered in "Spicy Steve Nachos, iPad Thai and Apple Cheese." The hot mess, complete with a replica of Jobs's iconic wireframe glasses, was a cheesy, yet heartfelt homage "to the greatest consumer electronics company of all time." Bon appetit, Apple heads.
If you, too, get the urge to hand carve an ooey, gooey cannibalistic "His Steveness" out of low-moisture mozzarella, perhaps in time for Halloween, Ken the cook kindly left step-by-step recipe instructions behind. Click here to get cookin'.
2. Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates Epic Rap Battle
In this lively "Epic Rap Battles Season Two" throw-down, a Steve Jobs impersonator and a Bill Gates impersonator go head to head over who is the bigger nerd and has more techie accomplishments.
Much NSFW silliness and insults ensue, ranging from who made the cooler computer to who deserves more credit for revolutionizing the world of computing and beyond. It's a classic Windows vs. iOS shouting match, peppered with swears and sexual innuendos. Not exactly a tribute for the ages, the short clip is a strange if somewhat entertaining diversion, backed by tacky techno beats. You've been warned. Check out the nerdy action below.
3. The ultimate Steve Jobs tattoo
Several fans of Jobs show their devotion to the tech genius by inking his image forever on their skin. Now that's devotion. One of the best tattoos we've seen of Jobs is "LA Ink" star Nikko Hurtado's finely detailed and realistic portrait of the innovator, which comes close to capturing Jobs's intensity. Check it out here, along with several other Jobs homage tattoos.
Related: The Important Lesson Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Apple Computer That Sparked a Revolution
4. Young Steve Jobs action figure
For those not bold (or crazy) enough to ink the image of Jobs on their skin, Legend Toy's 12-inch plastic action figure made in his likeness was, for a time, a less painful and non-permanent way to keep his memory alive. Make that until the Japanese toy was apparently discontinued.
The figure featured a '70s era mop-topped "Young Steve Jobs" sitting cross-legged with a detailed model of the first Apple computer awkwardly balanced on his lap. Several other collectible action figures of Steve Jobs are currently making the rounds on eBay, ranging in price from $15 to $2,000.
5. Hello Kitty-Steve Jobs hybrid
The folks at Sanrio, the company behind kawaii cultural icon Hello Kitty, apparently had a soft spot for Jobs. The Japanese licensing powerhouse created a tribute to the tech wizard following his death and aptly called it "Hello Stevie." It featured Jobs in a hybrid Hello Kitty form, with the Apple co-founder's iconic blue jeans and black turtleneck uniform, and, of course, his glasses.
Related: Steve Jobs Commencement Speech, Stanford University, June 2005 (Transcript)
6. Steve Jobs memorial statue
In 2014, Serbian sculptor Dragan Radenovic created a bizarre sculpture to honor what would have been Jobs's 59th birthday. The effigy is perhaps as eccentric as the innovator was himself. A tall, dark geometric bronze sculpture, it features Jobs's head at the top of a long rectangular column. Oddly jutting out of the sides are Serbian letters, a Latin letter and numeric digits in reference to the binary system used in computers. Geeky to the max just about covers it.
7. Steve Jobs in Carbonite iPhone case
In perhaps the quintessential nerd combo, a clever artist by the name of Greg Koening concocted a unique iPhone case that replicates the famous "carbonite freeze" scene from Star Wars: Episode V -- The Empire Strikes Back. Instead of Han Solo being frozen, however, it features Jobs imprisoned in carbonite.
Apple's lawyers reportedly weren't thrilled with the plastic case that depicted their beloved co-founder in vivid detail and sent the case's creator a cease-and-desist letter, according to MTV. Koening said his freeze tribute "was fun while it lasted," per a report on Cult of Mac. As you might guess, the case is now history. We didn't see it on eBay or anywhere else online, but we did find plenty of other iPhone cases emblazoned with Jobs's image.