This Company Thinks It Can Help You Get Over Your Smartphone Addiction With Stickers Imagine a life where you're not checking your phone constantly.
By Nina Zipkin
Are you someone that feels like your smartphone is an extension of yourself? You definitely aren't alone. In a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 46 percent of respondents said that their phones were something that they couldn't live without.
But while it might be tough to get through a day without checking it your messages at all hours, there are some solutions you can employ, from blocking software and apps to simply shutting it off or -- and this might be a bridge too far for some of us -- leaving it at home.
An average smartphone owner picks up and touches the device more than 2,000 times a day, so it can be difficult to break that habit. But now, a Danish design and branding firm called Stupid Studios has come up with a seemingly straightforward solution to the problem.
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It is called the Zmartfone Blocker and the company is describing it as the "#1 digital detox patch for smartphone addicts."
What is it exactly? A package of eye-catching yellow and white patches that you place on your smartphone's screen with tips about how to detach yourself from your device like "disable push messages," "don't Google everything" and "delete your Facebook app," in order to stop stalking your ex or reading a relative's inspirational missives.
They also advise eating chocolate in lieu of checking your phone, trading in one addiction for another, albeit, milder one. One package costs $14.95 or 10 for $129.95.
Would you give these a try? Let us know in the comments.