Customer Feedback: Page 6

Business News

Facebook Ditches Plan for 2 Separate News Feeds

Don't expect Facebook to roll out a Snapchat-like redesign any time soon.

Social Media

What Tech Companies Such as Snapchat and Their Users Should Remember When Updates Cause Outcry

It seems that every time a major tech platform introduces a new feature or redesign, people get mad.

Business News

Snapchat: 'We Completely Understand' the Redesign Hate

Snap is planning to add tabs in Friends and Discover that it says will 'make it easier to find the Stories that you want, when you want them.'

Growing a Business

Sales Strategy Insights from a 'Lazy' Restaurant Buffet

No matter how good the meal, you don't want to eat it every day.


3 Things You Can Do to Get Your Customers Gabbing

Word of mouth is right down the street, at the corner of Extra Mile and Hard Work. Meet you there?


5 Tips for Quickly Reducing Customer Churn

To increase loyalty, businesses must realize that their relationship with the customer does not end with closing a sale, that's where it actually begins.

Growing a Business

Want to Know What Your Customers Really Think? Try Working Side by Side With Them to Solve Problems.

Microsoft sends its developers to work with customers to build technology that solves their biggest pain points.

Business News

Snapchat Users Are Not Loving the App Update

Petition website said more than 30 petitions have been launched in the last day protesting the new Snapchat update.

Thought Leaders

5 Important Tips for Growing a Niche Ecommerce Business

Don't let yourself become overwhelmed. Stick with the tried-and-true until you have the bandwidth to experiment.

Starting a Business

Do This One Thing Before You Start Building Your Business

If you haven't gotten in front of your customer base and received feedback, you should.


3 Essentials for Safeguarding Against Sloppy Product Execution

Nobody sets out to do poor work. Procedures are how you avoid mistakes you can't afford.


The Golden Rule Is Just as Good for Businesses as It Is for People

Businesses that "do unto others" are reaping the benefits.


Why Should Founders Deal With Critics in a Positive Manner

Emotions get involved and entrepreneurs often end up writing off those critics

Social Media

#3 Key Tips to Handle Negative Feedback on Social Media

Realising the importance of customer feedback is something even big brands tend to miss.

Social Media

This Guy Fooled TripAdvisor Into Ranking His Garden Shed the Top Restaurant in London

Online reviews are supposedly the gold standard for judging a business but, seriously, not all that glitters is gold.