Nik Vassev


Nikolai Vassev is an entrepreneur and business executive with a strong track record of driving top-line growth and innovation at disruptive tech companies. Vassev founded a digital health startup that was acquired in 2020 and is currently building a virtual reality therapy platform.

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Science & Technology

How the Metaverse Will Reshape Mental Health Therapy

We'll soon trade a therapist's couch for a VR headset to access 24/7 care.


The Pros and Cons of Working From Anywhere

The digital-nomad lifestyle is increasing in popularity around the world.

Estilo de vida

Los pros y los contras de trabajar desde cualquier lugar

El estilo de vida de los nómadas digitales está ganando popularidad en todo el mundo.


5 Leadership Mistakes That Can Break Your Company

Leaders need to be concerned with their current trajectory rather than their current results.

Estrategias de crecimiento

5 errores de liderazgo que pueden destruir su empresa

Los líderes deben preocuparse por su trayectoria actual más que por sus resultados actuales.


10 Measures That Improve Internal Communication

With so many workforces remote, it's time to fortify and improve channels of communication.

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