Delta Uses Facial Recognition to Launch Self-Serve Bag Drop Off Plus 'Shark Tank's impressive list of guest judges and way to get your dream manicure in the comfort of your own home.
By Venturer
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This week on Venturer News, Brittany Lehman reports on Delta Airlines launch of a self-service bag drop off, Shark Tank's impressive list of guest judges and a 23-year-old female founder who is making it easy and cost effective to get your dream manicure in the comfort of your own home.
Delta Air Lines is saving travelers time with the launch of a self-service bag drop off. Customers who have some extra luggage can head over to the self-serve machines powered by facial recognition. The machines will use biometric technology to match passengers with their passport photos through identification verification. Delta will install the first machines at Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport this summer.
You can now pitch your business to Richard Branson, Sara Blakely, Bethany Frankel and former Major League Baseball player Alex Rodriguez. Shark Tank has announced its ninth season renewal, and the series released a long list of impressive guest judges to join the original sharks in taking a bite out of small businesses about to make it big.
Static Nails is an at-home nail kit that is the first reusable, luxury pop-on manicure based in the U.S. The startup earned $500,000 in sales in the first six months of business and has partnered with Sephora and Home Shopping Network.
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