The Office Manager
Regardless of who the office manager is within the company, theyshould possess the following qualifications:
*Knowledge of accounting
*Experience in purchasing
*Management of records
*Supervisory experience
All of these abilities are extremely important, since the officemanager will formulate procedures for the administrative staff tofollow. The office manager will be responsible for secretaries,general typists, word processors, accounting clerks, recordsupervisors, receptionists and mail-room assistants.
An efficient office manager will need to carry out theseresponsibilities:
*Create an office manual to record procedures and maintainadministrative guidelines.
*Recruit and maintain an administrative staff.
*Work with the individuals responsible for hiring new employeesto make sure the positions outlined meet job requirements.
*Evaluate and alter the office manual as the company grows or asnew equipment is added to reflect the changes required in training,staffing, and job descriptions.
*Provide resources that will allow office staff to perform theirdesignated functions.
*Create work schedules for each administrative employee.
*Delegate tasks properly to ensure a steady flow of work.Invoices need to be paid on time, finances and correspondence mustbe kept in order, and no one person should be overloaded.
*Set performance standards for each administrative job andperiodically review each employee.
In order to fulfill the responsibilities outlined above, theoffice manager must be familiar with the company's purpose ormission, its goals and objectives, and the philosophy by which itconducts business, according to Carl Heyel and Belden Menkus inHandbook of Management for the Growing Business.