Where To Find Angel Investors Online is a good place to start.
Looking for angels? Now there's a simple way for them tofind you-online. The Angel Capital Electronic Network (ACE-Net),launched by the Small Business Administration, helps accreditedangel investors find entrepreneurs in need of capital.
Angels can access ACE-Net's online listings ofentrepreneurial companies using a search engine that lets them findout a company's product or service, financing desired and othercriteria. Angels can also place search criteria on the network andget e-mailed whenever a company meeting those criteria appears onthe network.
Access is limited to accredited investors-those who have a netincome in excess of $200,000 and who meet other criteria.Entrepreneurs must also meet certain criteria to be listed. Formore information, visit www.sbaonline.sba.gov orhttp://ace-net.sr.unh.edu/pub, or contact the SBA's Office Advocacy at (202) 205-6533.
Excerpted from Start Your Own Business: The Only Start-Up BookYou'll Ever Need