The tacos of the Mexican infulencer Juanpa Zuirta are criticized on social media and there are memes The restaurat It is called "La Milagrosa" and operates via delivery platforms in Mexico, Peru and Colombia.
By Eduardo Scheffler Zawadzki Edited by Eduardo Scheffler Zawadzki
This article was translated from our Spanish edition.

We have seen it many times: successful influencers like to undertake . Visionaries as they are, they look for ways to take advantage of their image to create new businesses: hotels, restaurants, clothing lines, cosmetics and tacos!
The most recent to try his luck in this last area is Juanpa Zurita , who officially presented his taqueria, La Milagrosa , through a post that exceeded 360,000 likes on his Instagram profile (where he has almost 29 million followers). The influencer explained: "As you know, I am a resounding fan of tacos and whenever I leave Mexico, it is what I miss the most. Almost a year ago the crazy idea of 'Can you make tacos that really taste like tacos, outside of Mexico?' Today, 359 days later, I am proud to say that with a great team we are launching @taquerialamilagrosa in Colombia, Peru and obviously Mexico!