Two Billionaires Are Rigging the Market. Here's How to Fight Back The simple fact is the deck has been stacked against you like never before. Two unelected billionaires have undertaken to "reinvent" the American economy

By MarketBeat Staff

This story originally appeared on MarketBeat

Two Billionaires Are Rigging the Market. Here's How to Fight Back

You've got many reasons to be concerned about your investments today.

  • Inflation is at 40-year highs. Many analysts expect that inflation won't return to "normal" levels until 2025.
  • The dollar continues to lose value, as does the United States' standing with the rest of the world.
  • The housing market is in shambles. The elites at the World Economic Forum say, "you will own nothing and be happy."
  • The Federal Reserve is taking more money out of the economy. This is about more than just interest rates. It's what happens when the bill comes due for years of free money flowing into the coffers of Wall Street elites.

And who do you think is going to pay that bill? It's not the major banks or the giant hedge funds. It's retail investors like you and me.

But those are just the headline stories.

There's something else going on.

Click here to play to stream The Two Men Destroying America (free)

You can't put your finger on it. You can't give it a name. But there are just some things that don't add up.

Companies are making decisions that seem opposed to shareholders' interests. In fact, some of the decisions seem like suicide for the businesses themselves.

And all of this is affecting your portfolio. See why years of wealth building have been wiped out in a flash.

But even if you understand the what, you don't understand why. You've invested wisely. You've put your money in the "right" investments. And still, you're trying to figure out how to make your nest egg grow.

You're not imagining things. And you're not alone.

The simple fact is the deck has been stacked against you like never before.

And it's all because of two men. You read that correctly. Two unelected billionaires have undertaken to "reinvent" the American economy and the American way of life.

And they don't care who gets hurt in the process. They want to tell you where to put your money. They want to limit the amount that any company - and you - but by making this one financial move right now, you can profit from your own investments.

It sounds insane. But these two men are part of the "global elite," and I assure you, they know exactly what they're doing … and why.

That's why you need to watch this special documentary. In it, you'll learn the names of the two men determined to destroy America. And you'll also learn just how far they've come to making their dream a nightmare for you and your hard-earned capital.

This video is produced by legendary financial analyst Porter Stansberry. It took a lot for Porter to come out of retirement to name names. And I'm sure that these same men will be working like crazy to get this video removed.

Stream Porter's documentary for free before it is taken down

But Porter felt this was a message that was too important not to be shared. And even though it's tough to hear, this is not a message without hope.

Listen to the end to learn about an investment idea that will allow you to turn the tables on these two men while getting returns of 10-50x. But like many great investment ideas, you have to act soon.

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