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How to Handle a Sudden Growth Spurt in Your Business An influx of sales and attention can cause its own problems.

By Brian Tracy

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Growth is always a top priority. But if you come up against an unexpected growth spurt in your business, then you may face a decrease in customer service quality, a breakdown in communication and the build-up of overhead.

That's why Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy notes that the rate by which a business grows is directly linked to its success.

To properly manage the rate by which your business grows, you must be able to analyze what sets you apart from your competitors.

Click the video to hear more from Brian Tracy.

Related: 5 Important Keys to Developing Strong Willpower

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Brian Tracy

Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, Speaker and Author

Brian Tracy is chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International. He is the leading coach on the topics of leadership, self-esteem, goals and success psychology. Learn more at

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