My Book and Baby Are Due the Same Day! Follow Along on My Journey. Episode 12: Working Mama. Jessica Abo talks about the final stage of the book process and how she's getting ready for her fashion show with a newborn.
By Jessica Abo
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
This video is part of a series brought to you by Entrepreneur's book division, Entrepreneur Press, the publisher of Jessica Abo's book Unfiltered: How to Be as Happy as You Look on Social Media.
It's been a long road and I can't thank you enough for joining me on this wild ride. I have loved every minute of writing this book; but, I will admit it was an intense project for sure. Lol. Now all eyes are on the launch, book tour and my fashion show at New York Fashion Week. I will bring you that update from New York City soon! You can watch the book come to life at my fashion show by going to Entrepreneur's Facebook page. The show will start at 7:30 p.m. EDT. There will be a special performance by Jonah Platt, a Los Angeles-based actor, writer, musician, composer, arranger, director and producer. Celebrities and influencers -- including Alison Brettschneider of @25Park will be walking the runway as well. Brettschneider calls herself a "true warrior of the digital age" and for good reason. She stands up for what matters and inspires her followers to do the same. Here is the link to our livestream. We hope you can tune in!
Watch more videos from Jessica Abo on her YouTube channel here.
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