My Book and Baby Are Due the Same Day! Follow Along on My Journey. Episode 14: New York Fashion Week. Jessica Abo brings her book to life with a runway at New York Fashion Week.
By Jessica Abo
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
This video is part of a series brought to you by Entrepreneur's book division, Entrepreneur Press, the publisher of Jessica Abo's book Unfiltered: How to Be as Happy as You Look On Social Media.
The book is online and on store shelves; and, as you know from following along this vlog series, I always wanted to bring the book to life with a fashion show at New York Fashion Week. The men and women who walked down the runway were CEOs, changemakers, mothers, fathers and kids who I feature in the book. I did the #UNFILTERED runway show in collaboration with Style360 and IVY. We kicked off the night with a special empowerment medley by Jonah Platt and livestreamed the full show on Entrepreneur's Facebook page.
To watch the full event, you can go here. To buy the book or clothes, visit I don't want the messages from the book and runway to stop here, so follow me on Instagram (@jessicaabotv) to join the #liveunfiltered movement. Starting next week, I'll be back on speaking tour and sharing more profiles of entrepreneurs here on Thank you for being part of my first book!
Related: My Book and Baby Are Due the Same Day! Follow Along on My Journey. Episode 13: Launch Time
Watch more videos from Jessica Abo on her YouTube channel here.
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