The 10 Most Talked-About Super Bowl Commercials of 2015 Cute animals, celebrities and car culture on display during this year's Super Bowl ads.
By Nina Zipkin

From the close game that led to the Patriots' fourth win, to Katy Perry's fever dream of a half-time show, perhaps it's unsurprising that this year's Super Bowl was the most tweeted game to date. And when big-name brands were paying $4.5 million for 30 seconds of the broadcast, you know they hope sports fans stayed glued to their seats during the commercial breaks.
From the adorable and inspiring to the star-studded and just plain odd, here are the must-watch ads, as ranked by Hulu Ad Zone. (Note: That depressing Nationwide commercial is No. 18 on the list, but given the massive backlash it spurred, it certainly stands out as one of the most memorable.)
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1. Budweiser – "Lost Dog"
The beer brand took to the top spot once again this year (with 1.5 thousand likes and counting on Hulu's Adzone) with its seemingly can't-miss formula highlighting the friendship between a curious puppy and a group of protective Clydesdale horses. The little dog's big journey home set to a cover of I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) have people still tweeting out the #BestBuds hashtag.
2. Snickers – "The Brady Bunch"
Snickers' log line is "you're not you when you're hungry," and the candy bar continues its long line of celebrity-driven spots by dropping cult cinema favorites Danny Trejo and Steve Buscemi into the groovy, sepia-toned world of the Brady Bunch – by standing in for Marcia and Jan Brady. "Jan, this isn't about you!"
3. Toyota – "My Bold Dad"
Leave your cynicism at the door for this one too -- going for the double-gut punch of paternal pride and supporting our troops, the car manufacturer took a cinematic minute to follow the course of a father-daughter bond as a tearful dad drops off his military recruit daughter at the airport.
4. Clash of the Clans – "Revenge"
Liam Neeson spoofs his tough action hero persona by adding some epic gravitas (and a scone!) to the commercial for video game developer Supercell's popular wizard and warrior-filled mobile game.
5. Always – "Like A Girl"
Of course it's no secret that a great many commercials from Super Bowls past put the emphasis on objectifying women rather than empowering them, so it's gratifying to see the support for Always' ongoing efforts to turn "like a girl" into a positive rather than a put down.
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For the rest of the top 10 from Hulu's Ad Zone 2015, check out the videos below. We want to hear from you -- vote in our poll at the bottom of the page and tell us which ads you loved the most this year.
6. Fiat – "Pill"
7. Coca-Cola – "#MakeitHappy"
8. Dodge – "Wisdom"
9. Esurance – "Sorta Pharmacy"
10. Universal Pictures – "Minions – Super Fans Spot"
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