The Countries With the Happiest Employees (Infographic) Find out where your country falls on the employee happiness meter.
By Rose Leadem
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

From Denmark to Canada, countries around the world differ in what they offer employees. And some countries seem to have it a little better than others.
Scoring a 7.5 out of 10 on the employee happiness meter, Denmark takes the cake for one of the best countries to work in. On average, people work 37 hours a week and get 100 percent paid sick leave for 30 days out of the year.
Related: Want to Be Happy? Stop Doing These 10 Things.
The United States isn't too far off either, placing sixth place among the 20 listed countries. With an overall 7.1 score for employee happiness, an average 40-hour workweek and an average annual salary of $57,000. Although here's where it may have lost some points: the U.S. does not have any legal obligation in place requiring employers to provide paid sick leave.
To the contrary, South Africa comes in last of the 20 countries, with a 4.4 employee happiness rating. Maybe that's because people are working long hours -- on average, a worker in South Africa spends nine hours a day at his or her job. Not only that, but the average annual wage for workers is only $25,000.
To learn more, check out ACA's infographic below.