How Much Time Should You Spend Networking? The more time you devote to building relationships, the more referrals you'll have for your business.
By Ivan Misner
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Ivan Misner discusses how much time you should spend networking.
Misner says he believes that the secret to getting more business through networking is spending more time on it. He cites a recent survey, which reveals that people who claimed networking played a large part in their business's success devoted at least six and a half hours per week to the task.
As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. In addition, building relationships -- rather than business transactions -- is a key factor to success, Misner explains. People who bypass this step don't attribute networking to their success, the survey reveals.
To learn more, click play.
Watch more videos from Ivan Misner on his YouTube channel here.
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