How You Can Make Your Next Presentation Memorable Keynote speaker and communication coach Carmine Gallo offers his top tips for making business presentations pop.
From delivering board room presentations to speaking before a live audience, speaking publicly is something most of us will have to do at some point. But if we're going to take the time to develop and practice delivering a presentation, we want to make sure the content and the "performance" are memorable, right?
In this video, keynote speaker and communication coach Carmine Gallo offers his top tips for how you can make your next business presentation one your audience won't soon forget. Gallo is author of TALK LIKE TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of The World's Top Minds (St. Martin's Press, March 2014).
Gallo recommends following the "rule of three." Instead of presenting 15 or 20 points, stick with three or four features or pieces of advice. Why? It's easier for people to remember and stay engaged with what you're saying.
"It's almost impossible for the human brain to ignore that group of three," Gallo says. "We have to know what those three are."